
Kills 99.85% of Viruses, Fungus, Bacteria, Salmonella, Mycobacteria, H1N1, COVID 19, and Influenza within 1 minute and up to 14 days long

Categories : Disinfectant

CHEMGENE HLD4H is a disinfectant product with special concentrated formula that kills Viruses, Fungus, Bacteria, Salmonella, Mycobacteria, H1N1, COVID 19, and Influenza within 1 minute at 99.85%, protecting up to 14 days (Tested by the Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Faculty of Tropical Medicine, Mahidol University). CHEMGENE HLD4H is classified as a High Level Medical Surface Disinfectant product manufactured and imported from England, the United Kingdom. Passed international standards ISO 9001 : 2015, ISO 13485 : 2016, EN ISO 13485 : 2016, Blutest, Chemila, SGS, INTERTEK, ABBOTT ANALYTICAL, EN1276, EN13727, EN13624, EN13697, EN1650, EN14348, EN13610, and EN14476. Being biodegradable it can decompose naturally which is safe for people and pets. It has the ability to be used as a disinfectant for many types of viruses, bacteria, and fungus, killing germs effectively including eliminating musty smells in the room immediately with no residue. Use CHEMGENE HLD4H for a good quality of life, clean and hygienic and for public health. Widely used by international airlines, airports, hospitals, laboratories, schools, offices, government agencies, parliaments, government offices, etc. Can mix at a maximum rate of 1:200.

Confirmed to be able to kill the latest viruses and germs in 2023

Covid-19 (SARS-CoV-2), RSV, Hand-foot-mouth disease, Influenza

CHEMGENE HLD4H is procured by NHS England for use in their Testing Laboratories as part of the Covid-19 pandemic response.

Chemgene high level laboratory surface disinfectant combines enhanced active ingredient molecules with micelle cleaning technology to provide swift penetration of the cell walls to ensure rapid cell death. The synergistic blend of technology and active ingredients enables Chemgene to work quicker than most disinfectants and ensure that apoptosis (cell death) is achieved rather than merely suspending activity.

Independent laboratory testing demonstrates no corrosion or deterioration, even after long-term repeated immersions when used on stainless steel, mild steel, aluminium, copper, brass, rubber components, plastics, fibreglass, synthetic floors, instruments and devices.

- Biodegradable
- Non-corrosive
- Long shelf life! Diluted concentrate lasts up to 6 months
- Compliant with REACH regulations and the Biocidal Product directive

Chemgene is available in two formulations - clear unfragranced and blue eucalyptus. Efficacious against Mycobacteria, Fungi, Bacteria, and Viruses (including Covid-19 or SARS-CoV-2 in 1 minutes).

Dr. Martin Moncrieffe of the Department of Biochemistry, Cambridge University has certified that ” Formulation HLD4… very effective at precipitating/denaturing DNA and RNA”

Can be diluted 200 times or 1000 liters


Test Results

To determine the virucidal efficacy of "CHEMGENE HLD4H" against Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), a concentration of 1:100 with a contact time of 1 minute, the tested product has the efficacy as shown in the table.

To determine the virucidal efficacy of "CHEMGENE HLD4H" against Human coronavirus 229E (ATCC® VR-740™), the tested product with concentration of 1:50 was wiped down on the cleaned glass surface and leave at room temperature for 7 and 14 days. At the contact time of 1 minute, the tested product has the efficacy as shown in the table.

Kills Covid-19 within 1 minute 99.85%


Able to eliminate many types of germs


Chemgene has 2 certified active ingredients that can eliminate Covid-19


A high level disinfectant that can kill the deadly bacteria at the highest level within a short period of time



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